Starting Your Fitness Journey or Jumping Back In? Here’s Why CrossFit Is The Perfect Choice
A common thing we hear from people when they look into joining a CrossFit Program For Beginners is that they are worried they need to ‘get in shape’ before joining our gym.
We can see why you may feel this way too as anytime you google the term ‘CrossFit’ you will likely find pictures and videos of people doing what seems to be olympic style stunts that only super-human type beings are capable of.
The good news? Those athletes represent like 2% of CrossFitter athletes and the other 98% are just like you and me. People who want to feel good in their body, stay active as they age and heck, if we can look good too that is an additional bonus.

CrossFit Program For Beginners – What Will Your First Day Look Like?
The first thing we do at our gym is sit down and conduct a free goal session so that we can get to know YOU! No two people have the same goals or experience and we want to make sure that our coaching team understands your goals and limitations. Safety and helping you achieve your fitness goals are our two highest priorities.
At NTC each new member starts off by completing our ‘Simple Start’ Foundations program. This is where you will come in for four, 1:1 personal training sessions with one of our coaches.
During these sessions we will take you through the main movements we do in our group classes, you will be guided into learning how to move safely & those sessions will jump start your journey to increased fitness, fat burning and muscle building.
Our ‘Simple Start’ program is where you get full access to our coach so that you can ask questions, communicate any past injuries & grow your confidence before you join the group classes. The sessions are 60 minutes in length and you will work your full body each time you attend.
Benefits Of Joining A CrossFit Program For Beginners
As mentioned above at NTC our key focus is coaching and accountability. That is the essence of our service and the value that we provide that makes us different from joining your local goodlife or fit4less. Those gyms are great for some people, however we tend to notice that when people don’t have a coach to keep them on track, their results and motivation suffer.
Here’s why having a coach & joining a gym like ours will skyrocket your motivation & results.
- Since we are a smaller training facility there is no escaping your goals. Seriously though, our whole coaching team is invested in your long term health. If you are a client of ours we want you to show up. And if you don’t we will come looking for you.
- Our class sizes are small. So that means plenty of individual attention so that you are moving properly and have less of a chance of getting injured.
- All of our coaches are fully certified and understand movement quality and functions. What that means for you is that if you are unable to perform a certain movement safely we will happily provide another safer option.
- We have an incredibly supportive, inclusive, non-judgemental environment that we are crazy proud of. It is a place that we encourage all members to explore and welcome their strength and has the potential to truly transform you.
Why Being A Beginner Is The Best Place To Be!
Many people who want to get into better shape are so worried about joining a gym and not being able to keep up, or look foolish in a group setting. We get it. Gyms have traditionally been pretty intimidating. However we can say with 100% confidence that in our space you will fill welcome & being a beginner is THE MOST powerful place you can be.
A beginner’s progress can only go up the longer they attend. Each week you show up you will; get stronger, reduce more body fat, make ‘deposits’ on your long term health so that you can become a more powerful person in your every day life.
Bottom line is that training with us can and will change you – if you let it.
Inspiring NTC CrossFit Program Transformations
Here are some awesome transformations that have resulted from training with us at our gym. And the best part? ALL STARTED AS BEGINNERS.