Fat Loss Myths
Far too often we hear lies about quick fixes that will magically make the fat disappear from our bodies. So, we wrote this article to help you differ fact from fiction!
1. “Fat loss is a linear process.”
Fat loss does not happen overnight. In fact, it isn’t a straightforward process at all. Weight fluctuates per your body’s needs and depends on how much food is stored in your digestive system and how much water you have saved on the days you weigh in.
2. “Try weight loss teas and supplements”
These may help you lose weight quickly, however they are unhealthy and offer no long term gain. One of the reasons these encourage fast weight loss is because it is often a placebo effect! Instead, you should place your focus on a balanced diet and a healthy workout plan, these offer long term results and benefits such as reduced stress levels and better sleep. Check out the rest of our site for nutritional programs and fitness classes (virtual for now)!
3. “Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight”
Skipping meals can actually cause you to gain weight. To put it into simpler terms your body will start to wonder where your next meal is coming from and will start to store your food as fat.
4. “‘Low Fat’ and “Reduced fat’ labels on food make them healthier”
Companies legally only have to reduce the fat in their product by a certain amount (usually a small amount) for it to have the right to be labelled “Low Fat” or “Reduced Fat” These are often no more than a marketing trick, your best bet is one ingredient foods such as fruits, vegetables nuts etc.
5.“ Drinking water directly causes fat loss”
It does not cause you to lose fat, however it does keep you hydrated and helps curb snacking urges because sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger.
We hope these help you decipher myth from reality! Don’t hesitate to contact us for further questions! Team NTC has got your back!
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