When is the best time to start

Hindsight is 20/20

When we look back we can say things like

“ I should have … “

“ If I did this …”

“This would have been better to do …”

We can find ways to improve or what we believe should have been done.

Looking for the perfect time to start something pushes it further down your priority list and often time’s it results in not starting. 

When it comes to fitness there will ALWAYS be something that will “prevent” you from getting started. 

A planned vacation

A family event

The Holidays

The time of year

Busy work period


The perfect time to start was yesterday and the next perfect time is now. 

Starting your fitness journey at a difficult time or when you really don’t feel like doing it, sets you up for success. 

The hardest part is to start and starting when conditions are not ideal for you is even harder. 

Having the mental fortitude to get started during that time pays huge dividends later in your journey. 

It builds confidence and the beginning of a healthy habit. 

When these events pop up (vacation, family event, busy work period, the holiday’s) you know how to navigate them keeping fitness a top priority as you started during a difficult time. 

Don’t seek perfection

Seek action

You can then look back and be proud of your actions as opposed to thinking “I should have started earlier …”

You can fine tune your actions as you continue on. 

Repetition not only develops a habit, it also allows you to get better at that habit.

In fitness, the more consistent you are, the better results you will see and feel.

Give it a shot.

Get started. 

people working out in a group fitness class

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