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Why Eat Protein & Which Sources Are Best?


Protein is a vital macronutrient that helps build and repair muscle, including your heart. Protein can also help you lose weight and improve your health if you eat the right amount at each meal. The good news is that protein is everywhere in our food supply, you just need to intentionally build it into your meals to get the ongoing benefits.

How Much Protein Do You Need?

How much protein you need depends on your weight, age and activity level. In general, the average adult needs to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram (2 pounds) of body weight each day to maintain healthful levels of muscle mass. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds and are moderately active (you exercise three times per week), then you should aim for about one gram per pound of body weight.

If you’re trying to lose fat or build muscle mass through strength training workouts, however–and especially if those workouts involve lifting heavy weights–you’ll likely benefit from increasing your daily intake of this macronutrient slightly above normal levels:

What Happens if You Eat Too Much Protein?

If you eat more protein than your body can use, the excess will be converted into glucose (blood sugar).

The extra glucose may cause you to feel bloated and gassy.

You may also have trouble sleeping because of all this extra energy floating around in your system!

If you’re eating too much protein and not exercising enough, then all of that unused energy will be stored as fat instead.

How Does Protein Help you Lose Weight?

Protein is more filling than carbohydrates and fat, making it an effective tool for weight loss. Protein helps you feel fuller for longer because it takes longer to digest compared to other nutrients. This means that your body won’t be tempted by snacks or hunger pangs between meals as much when you eat a high-protein diet.

A high-protein diet can also help improve metabolism because protein boosts the production of enzymes that break down food into energy, which means less energy is wasted through exercise and digestion. In addition, this process burns calories without any extra effort on your part!

Protein also prevents muscle loss during periods of calorie restriction such as weight loss programs or diets. By eating plenty of lean meat (or other sources), you’ll be able to maintain lean muscle mass while losing body fat – which will lead to faster results than if you were just focusing on calorie counting alone!

Ok, So Which Protein is Best & How Much Should I Eat?

Protein is found in all kinds of foods, including meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Beans are also a good source of protein if you are vegetarian or vegan.

Here is a chart of some great proteins to include into your diet.

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In conclusion, protein is an important part of a healthy diet and can help you lose weight. The best sources of protein are lean meats such as chicken or turkey breast, fish like salmon or tuna steaks. However, it’s important not to go overboard with your intake of any food group as if your body does not use it to fuel your movement, or repair after workouts, it will be excess calories. Plan your meals and nutrients, and use protein as the pillar!

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